Wow, it's already February 2010! Things have been rolling right along, haven't they? Of course, this month, being Black History Month, you get wonderful events like the opening of the International Civil Rights Museum here in Greensboro, NC. After so many years of waiting to see the doors open, it's great to finally see that dream come true. I remember when they first announced it, I talked with News and Record, the city paper, about what I thought about such a place opening here in the city. Sadly I couldn't be there for the grand opening on February 1, but I did watch it live on TV.
However, many things have happened to lead up to this month, obviously. After all, February doesn't just call out of the sky. The end of last year I was caught up in a whirlwind of activity preparing for Ichiban Con. I had an amazing time and met some equally amazing people. However, it was still a lot of hard work just the same. Though I didn't make an amazing profit at the con, the experience of going to my first con as an artist and not just another con attendee was something I'll always treasure.
Sadly, after IchibanCon, I came down with a sinus infection, and that put me out of commission for a good week or so. After winding back into gear from that, I've been an art-producing machine. Plus, we got 2 nice snow falls: a couple inches just after my birthday and one really huge batch of snow last Friday which of course makes Winter all the more special for me despite my horrible distaste for the cold. Those of you that have been following me on Deviant Art or through my web site itself have probably noticed I posted several times the usual amount of art last night. Things have been rocking around here, and I don't plan to stop the party any time soon.
Though, it's in May, I have Animazement to look forward. So far it doesn't look like I'll have an artist table after all, but I'll certainly have several awesome pieces in the art show. I only ever like posting originals in art shows, so that'll be a blast for whomever gets them.
In the meantime, BioShock 2 is coming out next Wednesday night, and the Game Stop up the street from my house is hosting a midnight release party. I got the Limited Edition copy of the game, and I can hardly wait. I'll try to keep you posted on everything then. I'm off to continue replaying through BioShock and get some more artwork done.